This space is reserved for beauty, goodness and mercy. It is for Islam.

Thursday, 4 August 2011


The simplicity in Islam is something that I particularly like. 

Take prayer for instance.  All that is required is that you bring a clean inner and outer self and a sound heart on a prayer mat.  Nothing else is required.  Simple.

Cup your two hands and raise them to the sky.  While you look at the lines in them, you can be sure that Allah Most High is witnessing all your tears, fears and sorrows.  Simple.

Let your soul find its home.  Sit on your Mussallah and bow your head. Simple.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

A Gentle Lord

Reading the Quran generally and today, reading Surah Ta-Ha (20), one cannot not be moved by the way Allah Most High refers to his Prophets, in particular Hazrat Musa AS (Moses).

In that Surah, repeatedly, through a series of "Ya Musa", the Lord gently consoles Moses (AS) and reassures him, almost like a loving father would to his timid insecure child.  Preparing him for a brutal confrontation with the world (pharaoh).  Strengthening his heart with His love.

Whenever, I encounter references to Hazrat Musa (AS), I tend to recall the movie "The 10 Commandments" and especially the scene where the sea is parted to let through the children of Israel before closing in on Pharaoh and his army  ( I grew up watching this movie.  It is etched deep in my subconscious for some reason!).

Now, in (late) adulthood, it is not so much the parting of the sea that amazes me. I know that Allah Most High does whatever He Wills and His Might and Glory is written large in all creation.  It is more His gentleness towards His Prophets that moves me.  Him, the Most Kind, the Most Loving.

This very gentleness saw Moses' triumph over mighty Pharaoh, a victory of good over evil.  Yet another beauty of Islam.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Iron Comfort

There is so much comfort in the words of Allah (SWT).  His Wisdom provides absolute serenity, sakina to the heart.  In our human trial and tribulations, it is easy to forget the bigger picture.  Hence the need to remain connected with the Holy Quran.  For it provides all answers in the most beautiful of ways.

One of my favourite passages is from Surah 57 Al-Hadid (Iron) - verses 22 and 23:

"No misfortune can happen on earth or in your souls but is recorded in a decree before we bring it into existence: that is truly easy for Allah; In order that you may not despair over matters that pass you by, nor exult over favours bestowed upon you".

Him who has our forelock in His hands has already written our destiny.  This knowledge brings a most heartening feeling to the spirit. It calms it. 

That does not mean you cannot grieve or be joyous.  It simply means that you need to know where it is all coming from.  Once you know that, you are free.  Free to cry and laugh.  Not out of despair or exultation.  But out of relief.  Relief that there is one place where it all makes sense.  That place is with Allah. 

Such is the beauty in Islam.

Monday, 1 August 2011



The month when doors are opened, when the lattice of sins are untied to let in forgiveness and mercy.  A sublime favour from the One Most High.

With eagerness does a believer's heart wait at the door of Ramadan.  Fortunate are those who see it.  Blessed are those who are drawn near by it.

Oh our Lord, You brought us Ramadan.  May our fasts be for Your pleasure only.

Marhaba Ramadan.

Picture courtesy of the Sunshine Family in Doha, Qatar